HC Deb 28 February 1928 vol 214 cc200-1
27. Mr. PALING

asked the Secretary of Mines if he has any information relating to coal-marketing schemes being formed in this country; if so, what is the nature of such schemes; and are they likely to lead to an increase in the price of home-consumed coal?

Commodore KING

The information in my possession with regard to coal-marketing schemes generally confirms that published in the Press. I am not in a position to furnish details of the schemes, and until such details are available it is impossible to say what effect they may have on inland prices.


Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that this is intensifying the internal competition already existing in this country and that the position in Durham and Northumberland is likely to be made worse if this scheme goes through; and in view of these facts, is it not time that his Department took steps to organise the whole business upon one basis?

Commodore KING

As I have said, until details are available, I cannot judge of the effects which the scheme may have.


Is it not a fact that the competition felt in Northumberland and Durham also largely arises from the export of coal from the Humber ports, now mainly sold by these people; and is not this new scheme likely to make the competition still greater as far as these Northern and Eastern counties are concerned?


Is it not a fact that all these schemes are in strict accordance with the Samuel Commission's Report. which advised strongly that we should raise the price against the home consumer, in order to subsidise our exports?