that the Special Order made by the Electricity Commissioners under the Electricity (Supply) Acts, 1882 to 1926, and confirmed by the Minister of Transport under the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1919, in respect of the urban district of Warsop, the rural districts of Leake, Newark and South-well, and parts of the rural districts of Basford, Bingham, Skegby and Stapleford, all in the county of Nottingham, which was presented on the 8th day of November, 1928, be approved subject to the following addition and amendments thereto:
§ Page 4, after Clause 10, insert the following Clause:
§ (For protection of the Butterley Company, Limited, and of the Bolsover Colliery Company, Limited.)
§ 1. The provisions of Section eighteen of the Schedule to the Electric Lighting (Clauses) Act. 1899, shall for the purposes of this Order extend and apply to and for the protection of the Butterley Company, Limited, and of the Bolsover Colliery Company, Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as the two Companies') and their respective electric lines as if each of the two companies were a body or person supplying energy in pursuance of the principal Act, and as if such electric lines had been placed under the powers of that Act.
§ 2. Where either of the two companies—
- (a) requires to dig or sink any trench for laying down or constructing any new electric lines (other than service lines) near to which any electric line belonging to the undertakers has been lawfully placed; or
- (b) finds it necessary to undermine but not alter the position of any electric line belonging to the undertakers; or
- (c) lays any electric line crossing or liable to touch any electric line belonging to the undertakers,
§ 3.—(a) Each of the two companies shall forthwith cause a map to be made of the area within which such company has laid electric lines, and shall cause to be marked thereon the line and the depth below the surface of all underground electric lines other than electric lines laid in colliery premises in the occupation of such company, and shall once in every year cause that map to be duly corrected so as to show the then existing lines other than as aforesaid.
§ (b) Every map so made or corrected, or a, copy thereof, marked with the date when it was so made or last corrected shall be kept by each of the two companies at their respective registered offices, and shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the undertakers who may take copies of it or any part thereof.
§ 4. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to authorise either of the two companies to break up or interfere with any street.
§ Page 5, line 5, after 'one-half,' insert 'of one.'
§ Page 5, line 16, leave out 'last-mentioned sum exceeds,' and insert said divisible profits (after providing any sums for reserves and deficiency as aforesaid) exceeds.'"
That the Special Order made by the Electricity Commissioners under the Electricity (Supply) Acts, 1882 to 1926, and confirmed by the Minister of Transport under the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1919, in respects of parts of the rural districts of Uckfield and Hailsham, in the administrative county of East Sussex, and parts of the rural districts of Tonbridge, Maidstone and
Hollingbourn, in the county of Kent, and for other purposes, which was presented on the 6th day of November, 1928, he approved subject to the following amendments:
§ Page 3, leave out Clause 9, and insert the following Clause:
§ (Power to break up streets for certain purposes.)
§ (9) The undertakers may, so far as may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of facilitating the supply of electricity within their area of supply, under the Cranbrook and District Electricity Orders, 1923 and 1924 and this Order, or of enabling them to give a supply of electricity in bulk under any agreement or arrangement which may be made between the undertakers on the one hand and the Uckfield Gas and Electricity Company on the other hand, break up the parts of streets not repairable by the local authority, which are mentioned in the Fourth Schedule to this Order, and may for any such purpose lay down or place electric lines and other works therein.
Page 8, leave out lines 51 and 52, and insert—
Parts of streets not repairable by the local authority which may be broken up for certain purposes by the undertakers in pursuance of the special powers granted by this Order."—[Colonel Ashley.]
§ The remaining Orders were read, and postponed.