HC Deb 17 December 1928 vol 223 cc2775-6

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Commander Eyres Monsell.]

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

May I now take this opportunity of asking the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury why we were called hero to pass the Third Reading of the Superannuation (Diplomatic Service) Bill, and the Third Reading of the Overseas Trade Bill as announced by the Prime Minister? The Eleven o'clock Rule was suspended, and the House put to the trouble of a Division, and then the business has been postponed until Thursday. As one who always wishes to facilitate Government business, I was quite pre- pared to discuss the matter very briefly, and I would no doubt have been satisfied by the Minister in charge, and the Government would have got their Third Reading. Now it is postponed until Thursday, when everybody will be wishing to get away for the holiday, and when the time will be mortgaged for private Members' rights on the Adjournment. I think a word of explanation is called for.


This is a new complaint. In a long experience of the House of Commons I have never heard the Opposition make this complaint before. I welcome it, especially from the hon. and gallant Gentleman, and I hope I shall hear it again. The reason we have not taken this business is rather a complicted one. This Bill and the Overseas Trade Bill are certified Money Bills under the Parliament Act. A Clause in the Parliament Act states that a Bill sent from the Commons to another place must be returned to the House of Commons within a month. As we are going away on a holiday, that will be impossible. The Government, therefore, are going to postpone the Third Reading of that Bill and the Third Reading of the Overseas Trade Bill until we return.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

I am much obliged for that information.

Adjourned accordingly at Five Minutes after Eleven o'clock.