HC Deb 12 December 1928 vol 223 c2113
33. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Minister of Labour what steps are being taken, or will be taken, to accelerate the machinery of the Unemployment Grants Committee when applications are made to them under the terms of the circular letter of 9th November, 1928, or under the terms of grant applicable to areas with exceptional unemployment, in order that there may be as little delay as possible in approving of schemes for doing useful work and finding employment put before it by local authorities; and whether the staff of the Committee, including expert advisers, is to be increased?


The hon. and gallant Member may rest assured that there will be no avoidable delay on the part of the Unemployment Grants Committee, and that all necessary staff will be provided.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

May I have an answer to the last part of my question as to whether the staff of the Committee, including expert advisers, is to be increased?


I have not ascertained whether they require any increase of staff, but I will find out and let the hon. and gallant Member know. We are always ready to provide additional staff where it is required.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

I referred particularly to expert advisers who are most necessary in this matter.


Has the number of applications been settled?


If the hon. Member will put that question on the Paper, I will give him an answer.