HC Deb 12 December 1928 vol 223 cc2111-2

asked the Minister of Labour if his Department have received any protest from the Clyde District Committee of the Engineering and Shipbuilding Trades Unions against the transfer of men to the Clyde district from mining areas; if they state that unemployment has been and is still acute in the district; and if he intends to take any steps to remedy the situation?


I have received a protest against certain transfers to Partick, but these transfers do not appear to have been carried out through my Department. I am fully aware of the employment position in the Clyde district, but I cannot deal with the last part of the hon. Member's question within the limits of a Parliamentary answer.


In view of the fact that the right hon. Gentleman's answer is to the effect that these transfers are not being carried out through his Department, will he give an undertaking not to transfer any more men through his Department while distress prevails in the Clyde area?


There is another question on that subject.


asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that in certain parts of the country, and particularly in the Clyde area, in certain engineering trades men are being called upon to work unduly long hours while other men, in large numbers, are a charge on both local and national funds through not being able to get work; and if he will consider taking steps to take powers to have this practice reduced or finished, or if he will set up an inquiry into the position or approach the employers, either local or national, to reduce this practice?


I am aware that, in accordance with the agreed procedure, discussions have taken place between the employers' organisation and the trade unions concerned on overtime which is being worked in certain cases by pattern makers. I am assured that in the discussions the considerations referred to by the hon. Member were fully present in the minds of those concerned. The agreements between the parties appear to me to offer ample opportunity for such matters to be dealt with.