§ 32. Mr. ROBERT WILSONasked the Secretary for Mines if he has had a Report from his inspector as to the circumstance in which, on 20th and 29th November, when Follonsby Pit, County of Durham, was idle, the management employed officials of the colliery to do the work of the ordinary workmen; and what steps he proposes to take in the matter?
§ The SECRETARY for MINES (Commodore Douglas King)I have received a Report on this matter, but it does not disclose any breach of the Coal Mines Acts.
§ Mr. BATEYBut would it not be a breach of the Coal Mines Act for an official to take charge of the signals when a certified man always ought to take charge?
§ Commodore KINGI am not saying what is or is not a breach, only that the evidence in this case shows that there was no breach of the Act.
§ Mr. R. RICHARDSONHow can they use a pit without a man at the signals?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe hon. Member has had a full answer to his question.