HC Deb 11 December 1928 vol 223 cc1883-4
11. Lord APSLEY

asked the President of the Board of Trade the amount of barley and the amount of maize imported into this country in the years 1925, 1926 and 1927, respectively; and what percentage of both these products is imported for malting purposes?


The answer is rather long and contains a table of figures. Accordingly my hon. Friend will perhaps permit me to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The following table shows the total quantities of imported barley grain and maize grain retained in Great Britain and Northern Ireland during each of the years 1925 to 1927.

Year. Barley. Maize.
cwts. cwts.
1925 15,407,900 25,792,200
1926 11,517,500 30,290,000
1927 16,375,700 40,511,400

The quantity of imported barley used for malting varies according to its quality, and precise figures of consumption for this purpose are net available. In connection with the 1924 Census of Production, maltsters who produced about 69 per cent. of the total make (12,700,000 cwts.) of malt in the United Kingdom, other than malt made by distillers for their own use, stated that they used about 4,400,000 cwts. of imported barley in that year. Similar data are not available in respect of malt made by distillers for their own use. The retained imports of barley in 1924 amounted to 21,608,000 cwts.

So far as I am aware, maize is not used for making malt.