HC Deb 06 December 1928 vol 223 c1365

asked the Minister of Pensions when it is proposed to shut down the Bellahouston hospital; if he has taken any steps to secure other accommodation; and if he can state where West of Scotland patients will be treated in the event of an early closing of this hospital?

The MINISTER of PENSIONS (Major Tryon)

The Ministry's tenure of the hospital referred to will not extend beyond Whitsuntide, 1930. It is not possible at this early stage to indicate precisely the steps that will be taken to accommodate any patients who may then require hospital treatment, but no difficulty is anticipated in making satisfactory arrangements.


May I ask whether it is the intention of the Minister of Pensions to secure premises in the West of Scotland for these patients?


As the hon. Member knows, I have always worked to maintain hospital accommodation in the West of Scotland and shall continue to do so as long as it is necessary, but I notice that he appears to be rather anxious as to the Government which will be in power in 1930.