§ 9. Sir NICHOLAS GRATTAN-DOYLEasked the Home Secretary whether it is proposed to introduce a system of police boxes in the area of the Metropolitan Police?
§ Sir W. JOYNSON-HICKSPolice telephone boxes have been in use in the Metropolitan Police district for many years. It is now proposed to improve and extend the system. An improved type of box, which will afford increased facilities for telephonic communication to police stations by both members of the public and police, will be introduced and boxes placed so as to afford means of ready communication between constables on their beats and police stations. Linked up with this development and forming part of the scheme, motor transport will be provided and so organised as to enable police to take prompt and effective action in cases of crime or in any case where their services are required, such as accidents, fires, etc., including conveyance of persons arrested. It has been decided in the first instance to introduce these developments in two different suburbs within the Metropolitan Police district and extend as needs demand and experience justifies.
§ Sir N. GRATTAN-DOYLEHas my right hon. Friend's attention been called to the system of police boxes introduced by the chief constable in Newcastle-on-Tyne—a system which has been extensively used not only in this country but in other countries, and will he say whether he is using that particular system?
§ Sir W. JOYNSON-HICKSMy attention has been drawn to the system. I think that my hon. Friend will find that the system in London, when working, will be satisfactory.
§ Sir N. GRATTAN-DOYLEIs my right hon. Friend actually aware of the particular system introduced at Newcastle-on-Tyne?
§ Captain STREATFEILDIs the Home Secretary aware that if the private householder wants to call the Fire Brigade he simply has to say "Fire" down the 1376 telephone. Cannot a similar arrange went be made for calling up the police in circumstances of urgency?
§ Sir W. JOYNSON-HICKSThat question might be addressed to my right hon. Friend the Postmaster-General, but, as a matter of fact, I think such a system is in working order now.
§ Captain STREATFEILDCan a statement to that effect be inserted in the Telephone Directory?
Mr. ERSKINEWill the right hon. Gentleman give the House 'an undertaking that he will not have these boxes painted red?
§ Sir W. JOYNSON-HICKSI shall give that matter consideration.