HC Deb 11 April 1928 vol 162 cc1189-90
21. Mr. HUGHES

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, seeing that the Harper Report, in explanation of the tactics of the Battle of Jutland, which was specially prepared for the information of the public, was completed in 1919, and that this Report was approved for issue. to the public by the First Sea Lord, Lord Wester Wemyss, but on account of that officer's pending relief was left by him for issue by his successor, Earl Beatty, he will say why this Report has not yet been published?


The Report referred to was not approved for issue to the public by the Board of Admiralty while Lord Wester Wemyss was First Sea Lord, but was only completed some months after he had left the Board. By the time it was completed further information had become accessible which necessitated revision of the material. In accordance with a promise previously given, the new staff narrative and diagrams were submitted to Lord Jellicoe, whose very full comments are now being considered. I hope it may be possible to publish the complete staff narrative of the Battle of Jutland with the diagrams in a few months.