§ 17. Mr. W. THORNEasked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury if he is aware that, as a, result of the Lytton and Southborough Committees, upwards of 5,000 temporary clerks were admitted to the established clerical grades of the Civil Service last year; that, in consequence of their appointment, they now receive their salaries monthly, instead of weekly as formerly; and if, in view of the hardship involved in their having to wait one month for their salary on appointment, which in the majority of cases only amounts to £3 per week, he will consider whether some new system can be initiated to help this class of man over that difficult period?
§ The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel)The hon. Member is perhaps not aware that arrangements have been in force since March, 1926, whereby officers established after success at the Southborough Examination, involving transition from weekly to monthly payments of salary, may obtain from their Departments, should they so desire, half monthly advances of salary over the first six months of their established service. I am sending the hon. Member a copy of the document, which sets out the scale on which these half monthly advances of salary are made.