HC Deb 04 April 1928 vol 215 cc1954-5
15. Mr. KELLY

asked the Minister of Labour the number of permits given for waiters from other countries to take up work in this country; and the bodies or individuals who were consulted as to the state of employment existing in the catering trade?


As the answer involves a number of figures, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The joint industrial council for the silk industry (which does not cover artificial silk) agreed in 1919 upon a normal working week of 48 hours, the fixing of wages being left to district arrangements. In the Leek and Macclesfield districts the agreed rates of wages of adult workers for a week of 48 hours are as shown in the statement which I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I have no record of any other current wages agreements in the silk industry, and no information as to the earnings of piece-workers, who form a large proportion of the whole.


Do the wages furnished by the hon. Gentleman show anything above 30s. a week?


Yes, Sir.

Following is the statement referred to:

Time Rates of Wages of Adult Workers in the Silk Industry at 1st March, 1928, as agreed upon by the Employers' Associations and Trade Unions concerned.

I. Leek.
Class of Worker Weekly Rates of Wages.
s. d.
Men (22 years of age and over unless otherwise stated):
Pickers 45 0
Braidworkers, spindle fettlers, oilers, cleaners, spinners, throwers and reelers:
21 years of ago 42 0
21½ years of age 44 6
22 years of age 47 0
Braid speeders and knitting tacklers (fully qualified) 53 0
Weavers 51 0
Mechanics 72 0
Dyers and glossers:
21 years of age 44 0
21½ years of age 47 0
22 years of age 49 0
22½ years of age 51 0
Dyers and glossers with no previous experience in the dyeing trade:
1st month 37 6
2nd month 38 6
3rd month 39 6
4th month 41 6
5th month 43 6
6th month 45 6
7th month 47 6
8th month 48 6
9th month 49 6
10th month 51 0
Dyers' mixers:
1st year 51 0
2nd year 52 0
3rd year 53 0
4th year 59 0
Dyeing machinemen:
1 man to 1 machine 51 6
2 men to 3 machines 52 6
1 man to 2 machines 53 6
Women (18 years of age and over) 25 6*
* The majority of female workers are piece-workers. It is agreed that piece rates shall be such as to yield to an average worker at least 20 per cent. above the time rate.