HC Deb 03 April 1928 vol 215 cc1798-9
69. Viscount SANDON

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, why no provision was made in the Estimates for work on the structural alterations of the Houses of Parliament; when this will be started; and whether he is satisfied that delay will not cause further deterioration and ultimately create expense?


A sum of £10,000 is inserted in the Estimates under Class VII, Vote (3), Subhead B4. My Noble Friend hopes to be able to commence the repairs during the Autumn Recess; meanwhile he is satisfied that any delay in starting the work would not involve additional expense.


Has the Department at last decided what stone is to be used for the repairs?


In view of the report which the First Commissioner received from the Fine Arts Commission, to which I referred in an answer to a question a few weeks ago, we are now considering with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research the possibility of using three kinds of stone, Clipsham, Chilmark and Ketton. They are all limestones, and I hope we shall be able to come to a decision as to which of these three stones, or all of them in conjunction, shall be used before the Autumn Recess.


Will the Under-Secretary inform the House whether in undertaking structural alterations to this House he will consider a re-arrangement so as to give greater facilities to Members for doing the work they are sent here to do?


That does not arise on this question.