HC Deb 02 April 1928 vol 215 cc1578-81

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has ascertained the views of the Basle Mission Society on the proposal to transfer the Gold Coast properties now held by the Commonwealth Trust, Limited, to the Basle Mission Trading Company, free from all trust; and, if not, whether he is willing to do so before proceeding further with the negotiations?


As the properties in question originally belonged to the Basle Trading Company, I can only negotiate with that company. In the course of the negotiations, I have, of course, constantly borne in mind the point to which my hon. Friend attaches importance, and I have good reason to believe that when I am in a position to make a statement on the whole subject I shall be able to give assurances which will satisfy him.


Has the right hon. Gentleman any reason to believe that Mr. Preiswerk-Imhoff will undertake any fresh obligations whatever?


I think, if my hon. Friend will read my answer, that he will be satisfied on that point.


I am afraid that I have a very acute recollection of the answer, and I am not at all satisfied.

23. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that, at a special meeting of the Commonwealth Trust, allegations were made concerning the methods by which the policy of the Colonial Office on matters concerning the Trust was arrived at; and will he call for a verbatim report of the proceedings?


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that during the extraordinary meeting of the Commonwealth Trust, attacks were made on certain Members of Parliament and allegations were made about the methods of his Department; and whether he will request the directors to forward to him a verbatim copy of the printed speeches, in order that copies may be laid upon the Table of the House for the information of the Members?


I will ask the directors if they can furnish me with any fuller report of the speeches referred to than that which has already appeared in the Press. I shall then be in a position to judge whether such report contains sufficient additional matter of importance to justify my laying it upon the Table of the House.

24 and 25. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether, in view of the proposal made by the Government to repay part of the capital of the Commonwealth Trust with some further compensation, he will inquire as to the expense incurred by the trust in taking the great hall at Winchester House for a meeting of 13 shareholders and the cost of putting a six-column advertisement in the "Times" to record Mr. Lionel Curtis's speech; and

(2) whether he is aware that, during the extraordinary meeting of the Commonwealth Trust, certain shareholders moved an amendment to the official resolution of the directors urging the board of directors to co-operate with the Secretary of State and, subject to certain conditions, to give him every assistance in a friendly manner in carrying out the decision of the Cabinet, and that, apart from the personal vote of the directors themselves, the amendment was only lost by a majority of one vote of those present; and whether he will call upon the directors to submit to him a certificate showing the number of shareholders, apart from the directors, present and voting at the meeting, coupled with a statement upon the proxies received from those who were unable to be present and to avail themselves of the information disclosed at the meeting?


I do not think it necessary to make the suggested inquiries into the detailed administration of the company's affairs.


Seeing that the directors of this company are subject to the right hon. Gentleman's approval, is he not in a position of trust, so that he ought to be able to see whether the money of the trust is being wasted or not?


On major issues that is so, but I hardly think that that trust would warrant me interfering on detail points.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir FREDERICK HALL

If any of the officers of the Commonwealth Trust lose their positions in consequence of the transfer, will the right hon. Gentleman use his best endeavours to see that their interests are protected?


Most certainly.


In view of the fact that the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Newcastle-under-Lyme (Colonel Wedgwood), stated at the meeting in question that his only object was to get his money back, can the right hon. Gentleman give the necessary assurance?


Can the right hon. Gentleman say in a word what the functions of the Commonwealth Trust are?


I am afraid that that word would be a very comprehensive one.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a column of the "Times" costs about £75, and that the total amount spent on this publicity was £450, if it was paid for; and is that the way the money is to be expended by a company not making profits?


I do not know whether that money was spent.


Is it not desirable that the shareholders should have an opportunity of knowing what the Colonial Office has done, and that therefore the expenditure was fully justified?


Is it not desirable that an account of what the Colonial Office has done should come from the right hon. Gentleman who conducts the Colonial Office, rather than from an ex-official of the Colonial Office who does not?


I hope to give that account.


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many meetings have been held by the trustees of the Commonwealth Trust; and what is the total amount of money, if any, which this trust has disbursed on behalf of native welfare in West Africa?


I have no information as to the number of meetings held by the trustees of the Commonwealth Trust. No sums have been disbursed from the surplus profits of the trust on behalf of native welfare in West Africa.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Would it not have been a good thing if the £450 expended on the "Times" account could have been given to the poor natives of West Africa?

40. Mr. KELLY

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government proposes to notify the Swiss Government officially of the Cabinet decision to restore the properties of the Basle Mission Trading Company in West Africa to the original owners?

The SECRETARY of STATE for FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Sir Austen Chamberlain)

Negotiations are still proceeding in respect of the properties referred to. When they are finished, I will consider whether it is necessary to make any communication to the Swiss Government.