HC Deb 28 November 1927 vol 211 cc24-5
40. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in view of the fact that the Kenya Government has not yet been able to submit proposals for the creation of a trustee board for native lands, he is prepared to intimate to the Kenya Government that no further alienations of land should take place to white settlers until proposals for the land trust for the natives have been approved by His Majesty's Government?


Before that question is answered, may I ask whether it is in order to describe the inhabitants of this Colony as "natives," having regard to the protest made in this House when natives of India were so described?


Apparently, susceptibilities differ in different continents.


I do not know that in any part of Africa any African has ever objected to being called a native of the Continent. The areas over which the functions of the proposed boards would extend are not open to alienation to white settlers, and I therefore can see no reason to issue instructions as suggested. I might, however, add that the Governor's proposals for the formation of a native land trust have just been received.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that recently areas have been alienated from natives to whites and that there has been no final delimitation of the areas of the present native reserves?


I think the right hon. Gentleman is wrong. My impression is that practically all boundaries of the native reserve have now been gazetted.


Does "gazetted" mean final definition?


Yes, final definition. The land within these native reserves will be inalienable, and will not be available for permanent settlement by other than natives of the particular reserve.

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