HC Deb 28 November 1927 vol 211 cc6-7
17. Mr. KELLY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether it is the intention of the Government of India to retain the Meston settlement in connection with the Indian provincial finances?


The question of the financial relations between the Central and Provincial Governments in India is a matter which will doubtless occupy the attention of the Statutory Commission.


Has the Noble Lord received any objections or complaints from the Provincial Governments as to their hands being tied and their efforts hampered through this Meston settlement being delayed?


From the day that the Meston settlement was put into operation, that is to say, from the very start of the reforms there have been objections in many quarters to the operation of that settlement. In particular, the representatives of some of the Provinces on the Indian Legislative Assembly have objected to it. But it always was held by my Noble Friend, and by his pre- decessor, Lord Olivier, that the matter must remain until the Statutory Commission have had an opportunity of reviewing the whole system of Government in India, and that is how the position stands at present.


Does that opinion operate in the minds of the India Office? Even if the complaints are substantial in the matter of wages, they are held down to the low level by reason of the settlement of the Meston Committee.


That I cannot accept at all. I do not think the hon. Member fully understood my answer. I said that there have been objections from outside to this settlement, and that it has been held by my Noble Friend and by his predecessor, Lord Olivier, that this matter should not be reviewed until the Statutory Commission had had an opportunity of considering it.