HC Deb 23 November 1927 vol 210 cc1779-80
30. Mr. R. YOUNG

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to a memorandum compiled by the International Labour Office showing the effect of the adoption of the eight-hours day in France; and whether, in view of the conclusion drawn in the memorandum that, after temporary difficulties, the output quickly returned to or even surpassed its normal level, he will recon- sider the possibility of ratifying the Washington Convention on Hours of Labour?


I have seen the summaries published in Industrial and Labour Information of certain reports published by the French Ministry of Labour on the extent to which conditions of production and labour have adapted themselves to the French Act of 23rd April, 1919, on the eight hour day. As regards the intentions of the Government towards the Washington Hours Convention, as stated yesterday, in reply to the hon. Member for the Elland Division (Mr. Robinson), my right hon. Friend is not yet in a position to add anything to the statement he made in this House on 2nd June.


Is it not a fact that the reason why the Government have not ratified the convention is the tremendous opposition received from employers of labour?


The hon. Member must make no such assumption.

Viscountess ASTOR

Is it not true that Lord Cecil in another place said that the Government were prepared to ratify this, and it is only a question of time?


Lord Cecil, so far as I know, made no such statement.


If the employers of labour and the capitalists had wanted this, would not the Government have granted it?

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