HC Deb 23 November 1927 vol 210 c1776
19. Colonel HOWARD-BURY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of 10,000-ton cruisers built, building, or proposed to be built by the United States Government; and what additional sums of money are being put forward in their Naval Estimates?


The answer to the first part of the question is:

Built None.
Building 8
I have no information in regard to the number of cruisers proposed to be built. As regards the second part of the question, the Naval Estimates proposed for 1928–1929 have not yet been published.


Can my right hon. Friend say whether the increased naval programme which is suggested in the papers is the answer to our gesture for disarmament in not laying down these two cruisers?


I think a great deal was written in the papers before they knew what our programme in regard to the cruisers was. I should be very sorry to base any argument on anything that appeared in the papers on this subject.


Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that an increase in the American Navy adds to the risks of this country, or is an additional safeguard to us in time of trouble?