HC Deb 21 November 1927 vol 210 cc1388-9
20. Mr. J. BAKER

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he is aware of the feeling of the people of Kathiawar, as expressed at the, Kathiawar political conference against the imposition of a Customs line along the land frontier of the Kathiawar states by the Government of India; and whether he will cause a full inquiry to be made into the matter?


My Noble Friend has seen a Press report of the proceedings of the Kathiawar political conference, but has no information as to what that body is or whose views it is entitled to express. The decision of the Government of India to reimpose the land Customs line followed the failure of a Conference between representatives of the Government of India and of the Kathiawar states which was convened last June in order to devise some method by which the fiscal and other interests of British India could be safeguarded with due regard to the interests of the states and without reimposing the land Customs line. That conference was called with my Noble Friend's knowledge and approval, and he has received a full report of its proceedings. He does not therefore propose to ask for a further inquiry.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is the Noble Lord aware that the original Customs line is part of a solemn under-taking given during the War, and is this matter receiving careful consideration at home to see that no injustice is done?


I cannot altogether admit the hon. and gallant Gentleman's premises. The matter received the most careful consideration. A conference was called with representatives, of both sides, at which the question was discussed ab initio. An arrangement was not arrived at, and therefore the Government of India had to take the action they did.


Can the Noble Lord tell the House who is getting the advantage of goods being imported into India without the payment of any Customs duties?


If the right hon. and gallant Gentleman wants any further information, he must put down another question.


Is it Ranji or the Government?