HC Deb 21 November 1927 vol 210 cc1391-2
29. Mr. KELLY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India the number of prisoners detained in gaol under the Bengal Criminal Law Amendment Act and under Regulation 111; and whether any steps have been taken to carry out the assurance given by the Governor of Bengal in August last that, provided no untoward event occurs and the conditions then prevailing in Bengal continue and the conduct of those already released justifies the action taken in their case, a large number of prisoners now detained will have been released or transferred before the end of the year?


I invite the hon. Member's attention to the figures given in my answer to a question by the hon. Member for Leicester West (Mr. Pethick-Lawrence) on 9th November, from which it will be clear to him that many of the persons detained in gaol earlier in the year have now been released.


Can the Noble Lord hold out any prospect of these detained prisoners being released?


I am constantly asked that question, and it has been put down by the hon. Gentleman himself on the Paper on several occasions. The answer is that the Government are releasing these persons as and when it is desirable to .do so in the interests of public security in India.

37. Mr. J. HUDSON

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he has any information about the condition of the health of Mr. P. C. Das when he was removed to Alipur central gaol; and whether any other Bengal detenus are in the Alipur gaol?


I have not got this information, but am inquiring.