HC Deb 17 November 1927 vol 210 c1120

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the total amount of the National Debt at 31st March, 1927; the amount due per head of the population; and the interest charges on the National Debt per head of the population for the year ending 31st March, 1927?


The nominal amount of the National Debt on the 31st March last was £7,622,945,552 and the interest charge for the year ended the 31st March last was £316,403,057. The corresponding figures per head of the population are £168 11s. and £6 19s. 11d. respectively. These figures taken by themselves would however be misleading, since the nominal total affords no measure of the real burden of the debt and the interest figure for 1926–27 was abnormally high owing to the coal stoppage.

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