HC Deb 16 November 1927 vol 210 cc1034-5

asked the Minister of Labour whether, in the cases of Government trainees whose first period of employment after training is short-termed, any second attempt is made to replace them in employment; and whether, having regard to the importance of ascertaining the net results of Government training, any records or data regarding the permanence of employment secured by Government-trained men, women and boys are available to Members of this House?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. Records are being kept, so far as possible, with a view to ascertaining whether the employment obtained by young unemployed men after training is permanent, but the training scheme has not yet been long enough in operation to furnish reliable data. As regards women, the information available from one or two of the training centres is that a substantial proportion of the women who enter domestic service or a kindred occupation after training remain in it. I am considering whether to arrange for obtaining fuller information, which would, of course, entail some additional expense.


asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons receiving training from his Department at the present time and the number at the same date last year; and the sums expended on these dates?


The number of young unemployed men in training at the end of October was 1,115. The corresponding figure last year was 1,097. Expenditure from the beginning of each financial year to the end of October was £55,684 and £55,432, respectively.