HC Deb 10 November 1927 vol 210 cc351-2
28. Colonel APPLIN

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the establishment of dental clinics by various approved societies; and what steps he proposes to take in this matter?


Approved societies have no power under the National Health Insurance Act to establish dental clinics, but a few clinics have been established by bodies indirectly associated with approved societies. I have referred the general question of the provision of dental treatment in clinics to a special committee representative of approved societies and dentists, and I am hoping very shortly to receive a report on the subject.

37. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Minister of Health the average cost per person per form for medicine, &c., for insured persons in Glasgow, London, and any other large cities?


I am not clear as to the precise information desired by the hon. Member, but I may say that the average cost per prescription during August last, the latest month for which figures are available, was as follows:—

London 8.1
Birmingham 7.8
Manchester 8.9
Liverpool 8.5

As regards Glasgow, I suggest that the hon. Member should address a question to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland.

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