HC Deb 10 November 1927 vol 210 cc346-7
34 and 35. Sir ROBERT SANDERS

asked the Minister of Health (1) whether inquiries have been made on behalf of his Department as to the conditions of manufacture of condensed skimmed milk imported from Holland and Denmark; by whom the inquiries were made; and whether he will lay the Report on the subject upon the Table of the House;

(2) whether he has ascertained that the sale of condensed skimmed milk, similar to that imported into this country from Holland, is forbidden in Holland itself; and what regulations as to the manufacture of this article are in force in Holland and Denmark?


My information is that the sale of condensed skimmed milk is not forbidden in Holland. Inquiries as to the conditions of production in Holland and Denmark have recently been made by Dr. J. M. Hamill, one of my medical officers, Mr. T. A. Hole, a milk inspector in my Department, and Mr. James Mackintosh, Professor of Dairy Husbandry at the University of Reading. I am considering in what form I can best submit for the information of hon. Members the results of their investigation, including the scope of the regulations in force.

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

Has my right hon. Friend made inquiries with regard to Switzerland?


No, Sir, the importation from Switzerland is so very small compared with that from Holland and Denmark that I did not think it was necessary.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say why it is that we import skimmed milk into this country?


That question does not arise here.


Will you allow the right hon. Gentleman to answer that question. It is because they cannot afford to buy better milk. [HON. MEMBERS: "Order!"] That is the reason.

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