HC Deb 08 November 1927 vol 210 cc26-7
Mr. THURTLE (by Private Notice)

asked the Secretary of State for War whether all the Section "A" Reservists who were called up for service with the Shanghai Relief Force have either been brought back or are on their way back to this country; and whether he is in a position to state how many of these men have actually been demobilised, and of those demobolised how many had employment waiting for them?


Of the Section "A" Reservists called up in January, 408 have arrived from China and been re-transferred to the Reserve; the remainder are on their way home. Those called up in April are due to sail during November. I have no definite information how many of those Reservists who have been transferred to the Reserve have found employment.


Has the right hon. Gentleman taken any steps to assist these men to be reinstated in civilian employment?


I have done all that I personally can by making an appeal to the employers who previously employed them to take them back in their employ, but it must be remembered that a good many of them were not in employment when they were called up. I hope employers who have power to give employment will remember that these men are well deserving of their country.


I should like to ask the Secretary of State for War whether any of these men were brought out of the workhouse, and how many of them have gone back? [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh"] Why is there no answer to that question?[HON. MEMBERS: "Order!"] In my constituency, Sir, men who fought in the War are in the workhouse.


The hon. Member must put a question in the proper way; that is not a proper question.


I put my question in what I considered to be a proper way. I asked a question arising out of the original question, how many men coming back from China had come out of the workhouse, and how many of them were going back to the workhouse. Is not that a proper way to put a question?


That was not the manner in which the hon. Member put his question.


I had no knowledge that there were any such.