HC Deb 31 May 1927 vol 207 cc197-8
25. Colonel DAY

asked the Minister of Transport if his attention has been drawn to the accidents that have occurred lately through chars-a-banc fitted with faulty brakes having failed to act in cases of emergency; and, in view of the injury to the public and loss of life, will he consider the introduction of legislation snaking it compulsory for all chars-a-bane used as public conveyances to have their braking system periodically examined by experts appointed by his Department?

Colonel ASHLEY

The draft Road Traffic Bill which I have recently circulated contains provisions for securing that motor omnibuses and chars-a-banc are properly designed and constructed and are adequately maintained.

Colonel DAY

Could not provision be made so that a vehicle has to be examined before the licence is renewed each year?

Colonel ASHLEY

If the hon. Member will read the draft Road Traffic Bill he will see that provision is made for the appointment of officers whose duty it will be to secure that these vehicles are maintained in a proper state.


In view of the urgency of this matter, can the right hon. Gentleman give us any idea of when this Bill will be introduced?

Colonel ASHLEY

The hon. Member is as well able to form a judgment as I am as to the state of Government business in the House.


Will the officers referred to by the right hon. Gentleman be servants of his Department or of the local authorities?

Colonel ASHLEY

The local authorities.