HC Deb 18 May 1927 vol 206 c1173
24. Mr. LUNN

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that a number of labourers employed by the Hastings Corporation on the reconstruction of the road on the sea front went on strike recently, complaining that the wages paid to them were less than had previously been paid for the same work and less than was paid at other places; whether this reduction was imposed without previous intimation that their wages would be reduced; whether any steps can be taken whereby local authorities, before reducing wages or altering conditions of employment, should give sufficient notice to the workmen to allow for negotiations between the parties and so avoid any undue stoppage of work; and if he can say whether or not the strike has been settled?


According to my information this dispute arose from a demand for an increase in wages. I understand the dispute has now been settled and the men concerned have resumed work.