HC Deb 09 May 1927 vol 206 c11
12. Mr. W. M. ADAMSON

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the Government intend to accede to the requests they have received that the new stores purchase rules, which are now under preparation, should be framed by the Government in consultation with representative Indian industrial and trade organisations?


My Noble Friend has not been informed what further steps, if any, the Government of India consider necessary to obtain the opinions of representative bodies in India, but he has no doubt that the draft rules which they are preparing will be thoroughly examined from all points of view.


Can the Noble Lord get the information?


Yes, Sir; but I may say that this matter will probably be debated in the Legislative Assembly. There have been suggestions made in the Assembly in the past.


Has it not long been a custom of the Government of India in cases of this kind always to get information from commercial and industrial sources before taking action?


Yes, Sir. I may say, in reply to the first supplementary question, that this matter is probably more discussed in India in the Legislative Assembly than any other.