HC Deb 09 May 1927 vol 206 cc38-9

asked the President of the Board of Education the number of school children examined at schools by the medical officers of the Lancashire Education Authority for each of the last seven years for which statistics are available; the number of medical officers employed in this work and the salaries and emoluments paid to these officers; and the average cost of medical services for each examination made?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Lord Eustace Percy)

As the reply to this question consists largely of figures I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

Financial Year. Medical Officer Staffs. (Estimated Equivalent of Whole time Officers engaged in School Medical Service Work.)* Estimate of Total Salaries in respect of School Medical Service. Number of Inspections (Routines, Specials and Re-inspections).
1921–22 15 1/5 15,765 74,246
1922–23 15 1/5 16,528 79,822
1923–24 12 4/5 13,315 80,927
1924–25 12 4/5 12,239 71,538
1925–26 13 3/5 13,167 67,465
1926–27 13 3/5 13,087 95,106†
* The work of these officers is not confined solely to medical inspection, but includes many other duties connected with the School Medical Service.
† Includes special examinations of children in connection with school feeding during the coal dispute.

Comparable figures for the year 1920–21 are not available. It is not possible to state the average cost of medical services for each examination made, as the school doctor's work includes many other duties connected with the School Medical Service besides medical inspection.