HC Deb 02 May 1927 vol 205 cc1248-9

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the services of the secretary of the Bihar government have been placed at the disposal of the Government of India in connection with the preparation of material for the statutory inquiry into the Indian reforms; and whether it is the intention of the Government of India to appoint the Commission during the present year?


I have seen it stated in the Press that the services of one of the secretaries to the Bihar government have been placed at the disposal of the Government of India, but I do not know for what purpose. As to the date of appointing the Commission His Majesty's Government have made their intentions as plain as circumstances permit, and I have nothing to add to what has already been said.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he is in a position to give to the House the names of the proposed Royal Commission on Indian Constitutional Reforms; and, if not, whether he can assure the House that it shall include Indians and, furthermore, representative Indians?


I am not in a position to make any statement on this subject.