HC Deb 31 March 1927 vol 204 cc1394-5

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that the Sandhouse Hotel at Brampton, a State-management house, was sold to a private purchaser without any submission of the property to tender or other notification that it was in the market; what were the circumstances of this transaction, and why it was entered into; whether he is aware that the solicitor to the purchasers was secretary of the advisory council of the vendors; that the licensee of the said house, who had conducted the business successfully and without any complaint from the police for 25 years, was turned out of occupation with a solatium of £50; that this house appeared in the licensing statistics for 1925 as a still existing on-licence under State management, although it had been used as a temperance hotel without a licence since October, 1923; and whether he will inquire into the matter?


Yes, Sir. I have made myself acquainted with the main facts of this transaction, which took place as long ago as 1923, when I had no responsibility in the matter. A question on the subject was answered at considerable length on the 15th November, 1923, by the Homo Secretary of that time. I would only say now that the house in question was never under State management, and has not appeared as so being in any of the volumes of licensing statistics.