HC Deb 30 March 1927 vol 204 cc1245-6
48. Mr. DALTON

asked the Secretary of State for Air what air missions, if any, have been sent by His Majesty's Government to assist the Governments of foreign countries since 1914; and what has been the duration of their service in each case?


With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate the reply, which is rather long, in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

Apart from war-time missions, the following missions have been despatched by His Majesty's Government for the purpose of advising foreign Governments on air matters:

Chile.—An officer of senior rank was sent to Chile in 1926 and is still in that country.

Finland.—After a preliminary investigation by a senior officer of the Royal Air Force another officer was lent for a period of two years from March, 1925; the engagement has recently been extended for a further six months.

Greece.—Royal Air Force officers formed part of the Naval Missions during the periods from December, 1919, to October, 1920, and from August, 1922, to April, 1923. In response to an application for further assistance from the Greek Government two officers have recently proceeded to Athens.

China (Central Government).—A Royal Air Force officer was employed from February, 1920, to September, 1922.

In addition to the above official missions, a number of unofficial missions have proceeded to foreign countries, and in connection with these, informal advice and assistance in the selection of personnel have been given by the Air Ministry.