HC Deb 29 March 1927 vol 204 cc1062-3

Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had nominated the following Members to serve on Standing Committee C: Mr. William Murdoch Adamson, Captain Ainsworth, Lieut.-Commander Astbury, Mr. John Beckett, Captain Brass, Mr. Briant, Sir Alfred Butt, Sir Charles Cayzer, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Cluse, Colonel Crookshank, Dr. Vernon Davies, Sir Harry Foster, Mr. Hall Caine, Mr. Homan, Colonel Horlick, Colonel Howard-Bury, Captain Austin Hudson, Mr. Jacob, Lieut.-Colonel James, Mr. Jephcott, Mr. John, Mr. Kelly, Sir Mervyn Manningham-Buller, Lieut.-Colonel Moore-Brabazon, Mr. Robert Morrison, Sir Frank Nelson, Major Ropner, Mr. Sandeman, Viscount San-don, Mr. Rennie Smith, Mr. Somerville, Mr. Stamford, Mr. Stephen, Captain Styles, Bear-Admiral Sueter, Lieut.-Colonel John Ward, Sir Francis Watson. Mr. C. P. Williams, and Mr. Robert Wilson.

Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following 15 Members to Standing Committee C (in respect of the Cinematograph Films Bill): Colonel Applin, Mr. A. V. Alexander, Captain Cazalet, Sir Burton Chadwick, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Colonel Day, Mr. Harris, Sir Robert Home, Lord Huntingfield, Mr. MacLaren, Sir Frank Meyer, Mr. Smith-Carington, Mr. Solicitor-General, Mr. Herbert Williams and Colonel Wedgwood.

Reports to lie upon the Table.