§ 19. Mr. RAMSDENasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can now indicate what are the principal subjects to be discussed at the forthcoming Colonial Conference; and when the full agenda will be published?
§ Mr. AMERYIn my reply to the right hon. Member for Derby (Mr. J. H. Thomas) on the 21st February, I indicated the primary object of the Colonial Office Conference. With my hon. Friend's permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the detailed Agenda which have now been drawn up.
§ Mr. H. WILLIAMSWill mandated territories be represented?
§ Mr. WILLIAMSAnd those mandated to Australia and New Zealand, as well as those mandated to us?
§ Mr. AMERYNo, Sir; it is only a Colonial Office Conference, of those which come under my jurisdiction.
§ Mr. RAMSDENWill all the Colonies be represented?
§ Following are the detailed Agenda:
§ (A) Questions of General Administration.
- (1) Recruiting and training of Colonial civil servants.
- (2) General conditions of service of officers in the Colonial Service.
- (3) Relation of technical to administrative services.
- (4) Procedure and conduct of business in Colonial Legislatures.
§ (B) Economic Questions covering Trade and Communications.
- (1) Existing and future agencies in London.
- (2) Recent developments in mechanical transport.
- (3) Relation of road transport to railway development.
- (4) Civil air development in the Colonies, etc.
- (5) Wireless communications, internal and external, and broadcasting.
- (6) Participation of Colonies, etc., in International Exhibitions.
§ (C) Problems of Technical Services.
- (1) Co-operation and exchange of information between Colonial Governments, particularly in research and technical matters.
- (2) Medical education, including training of subordinate personnel.
- (3) Development of medical research.
- (4) Sanitation, town planning, housing, etc.
- (5) Agriculture and agricultural research.
- (6) Forestry.
- (7) Education:—
- (a) Constitution of an Advisory Council on Education to cover education in all the Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories.
- (b) Arrangements for the supervision of Colonial students in England; and
- (c) Examination standards for the local entry of clerks, etc., into the Colonial Service.
- (8) Films, their educational use and censorship.