HC Deb 23 March 1927 vol 204 cc393-4

May I ask the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury whether he seriously proposes to take the two Scottish Bills on the Order Paper to-day before 8.15? Not only does he propose to take those two Bills, but two Financial Resolutions. May I point out the range of one of the Bills. You are abolishing the Board of Agriculture, which it took two days to establish in Committee upstairs. You are abolishing the Board of Health, which took days in Committee of the whole House. You are also altering the status of the Prison Commissioners and various other things of that kind, completely revolutionising the administration of the Scottish Office. I ask the right hon. Gentleman if he is seriously proposing to take these two important Bills before 8.15?

The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Commander Eyres Monsell)

Of course we are entirely in the hands of the House for what legislation we get. I am told by the Secretary of State for Scotland that these Bills can be discussed with greater propriety in the Scottish Grand Committee. We put these Bills down to-day because latterly there has been some difficulty in ascertaining with any great accuracy what interest is likely to be aroused by our programme. I hope the right hon. Gentleman will allow us to get these Bills to the Scottish Grand Committee.


May I ask you, Sir, whether it would be possible to alter the time for the interruption of Business from 8.15 of the clock to 7.45 of the clock, in order to give more time for Private Members' Motions.


The time of 8.15 is fixed by Standing Order and it does not lie with me to make any change. I can only recommend to the hon. Gentleman to table a Motion to that effect for an amendment of the Standing Order and see if he can command the general support of the House.


I am much obliged. I will table a Motion as you suggest.


Could not the difficulty be got over by shortening Members speeches?


Hear, hear!


I am glad to see that the hon. Member's suggestion finds such general approval. I hope each Member will take it to himself and not rest with approving it in general.