HC Deb 22 March 1927 vol 204 c195
44. Mr. OLIVER

asked the Minister of Pensions, seeing that sums paid in error are recovered from pensioners, if he will make arrangements so that a pensioner might receive arrears of allowances in respect of children when, owing to ignorance, the claim for the allowance, in addition to pension, was not made until the child was several years of age?

The MINISTER of PENSIONS (Major Tryon)

It is not the case that all sums paid in error are recovered from pensioners. The full circumstances of each case are taken into consideration in determining the question. Allowances are awarded in respect of all children known from the pensioner's own statements to be eligible, and the basis of payment is indicated in the notification of award issued to the pensioner. In the circumstances I should not be justified in extending the Ministry's liability in the manner suggested.