HC Deb 21 March 1927 vol 204 c15
26. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies when the Haifa harbour works are likely to be started; in view of the widespread unemployment can he hasten the date of commencement; and what is the estimate of the cost of completion of the works proposed?


I am anxious that work on the harbour at Haifa should be put in hand as soon as possible, but, as the right hon. and gallant Gentleman will realise, the preparation of detailed plans and estimates always takes time, and I am not yet in a position to give a definite date. It is anticipated that the cost of the works will be in the neighbourhood of £1,000,000, but that figure is, of course, subject to modification when the detailed plans are available.


Were any estimates or plans got out before the loan was approved?


Yes. We had an examination some time ago, and we had general estimates and general plans, which, of course, have to be worked out in greater detail.

Vice-Admiral Sir REGINALD HALL

Is there a place where one could see the plans of the proposed harbour?


I think there are some papers in my office, and I will consider whether there is any way of making them available.