HC Deb 21 March 1927 vol 204 c37
75. Mr. HARRIS

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he proposes to make inquiry into the relation of technical education to industry, especially as to now far it meets the requirements of manufacturers and provides them with the necessary technical skill; and whether he has made any recent inquiry into what is being done to promote technical education in continental countries and in America?

Duchess of ATHOLL

As regards the first part of the question, the matter is already being investigated by the Committee on Industry and Trade, and the hon. Member has doubtless seen the volume recently issued by that Committee. It is also one which will doubtless be considered by the Inter-Departmental Committee on Education and Industry in connection with the first part of their terms of reference. As regards the second part, no special inquiry has been made, but the Board arrange for the collection of information, upon technical and other types of education, published by foreign countries, so that it may be available for the general use of the public.