HC Deb 15 March 1927 vol 203 cc1831-2

asked the Secretary for Mines if he is aware that boys of 14 years of age are permitted to work in coal mines without a previous medical examination for fitness; that under the Factories and Workshops Acts no child of 14 years of age is permitted to work without a previous medical

at each of the following ports: Cardiff, Hull, Hartlepool, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Leith, and Glasgow?

Colonel LANE FOX

I regret that I am unable to give the precise information desired, but such figures as are available I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the available figures:

examination by the certifying factory surgeon; and will he take steps to remedy this anomalous condition of affairs by seeing that no child is allowed to work in a coal mine without previous medical examination and certification of fitness for that occupation?

Colonel LANE FOX

I am aware of the facts stated, but doubtless my hon. Friend is aware that the existing system of examination under the Factories and Workshops Acts has been recently condemned by a Committee of Inquiry as a failure and that an improved system of examination is to be submitted to the House in the Factories Bill. If it is approved, the application of similar provisions to mines and quarries will certainly be considered.