45. Captain GARRRO-JONESasked the Prime Minister whether, seeing that, by the refusal of the French and Italian Governments to accept the disarmament proposal of President Coolidge and thereby permit the forthcoming meeting of the preparatory commission to be turned into a plenary body, the American proposal in its original form is nullified, he will institute inquiries o amend and, if necessary, to expedite the arrangements for a meeting of the three Powers, Japan, the United States, and Great Britain?
§ The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Baldwin)As the initiative in this matter was taken by the Government of the United States, His Majesty's Government must await the consideration by that Government of the replies returned to their proposal by the four Governments concerned.
§ Captain GARRO-JONESBecause the initiative has once been taken by the United States for disarmament proposals, is it to rest for ever with them, or will the right hon. Gentleman take some initiative action himself in this and correlated questions of disarmament?
§ The PRIME MINISTERThere may be several initiatives, but the first initiative has been with the United States, and His Majesty's Government must await the consideration which the United States Government will give to the replies to their proposals.