HC Deb 09 March 1927 vol 203 cc1229-30

asked the Minister of Transport whether the whole of the é1,300,000 allocated for the upkeep of unclassified roads (luring the current financial year has been distributed to local authorities?

Colonel ASHLEY

Practically the whole of the £1,300,000 made available for the upkeep of unclassified roads in rural areas during the current financial year has been allocated to individual authorities, but the distribution of the final instalments must await the submission by the authorities of certificates of expenditure at the close of the financial year.


asked the Minister of Transport for how many miles of unclassified road has assistance been given from the Road Fund during the current financial year; what proportion that mileage bears to the total mileage of unclassified roads; and what proportion the sum allocated bears to the total expenditure by local authorities on those roads?

Colonel ASHLEY

The moneys made available during 1926–27 for maintenance grants to rural roads have enabled me to give assistance to 34,072 miles of unclassified roads in England and Wales, representing 35 per cent. of the total mileage of unclassified roads in rural areas. In addition grants have also been made towards unclassified roads in urban areas, but I am unable to ascertain without considerable labour the mileage thus assisted, and I hope my hon. Friend will not press for the information. I am unable to answer the third part of the question as I have no information as to the total expenditure of local authorities on unclassified roads.


Will the right hon. Gentleman obtain the figures of the total expense incurred by the local authorities on these roads?

Colonel ASHLEY

I will see what can be done.