HC Deb 08 March 1927 vol 203 cc1033-4
40. Brigadier-General CHARTERIS

asked the Minister of Transport whether legislation restricting the use of dazzling lights on motor cars in public highways is operative in France and/or other European countries; whether his Department has knowledge of any anti-dazzle lighting system fulfilling the requirements laid down by the Committee which reported on this subject to his predecessor; and whether he will consider the introduction of legislation governing the use of lights on motor cars?

Colonel ASHLEY

Regulations restricting the use of dazzling lights on motor ears are operative in France and certain other European countries. As regards the second part of the question, I am not aware of any headlight which provides an adequate driving light without some degree of dazzle. As regards the last part, I am considering the question of seeking additional powers to deal with the lighting of road vehicles in the Bill which I hope to introduce when Parliamentary time is available.

Brigadier-General CHARTERIS

Will my right hon. Friend consider the reassembling of the Committee which investigated this matter, to look into any new improvements in anti-dazzle lights that may have been brought to notice since?

Colonel ASHLEY

I do not think that that is necessary. We went very carefully into it at the time, and my Department are in close touch with the question. Any satisfactory devices that may appear on the market we shall at once look into.


Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us whether this Measure will be introduced before Easter?

Colonel ASHLEY

No, I could not say that; it depends on circumstances.