§ 37. Mr. KELLYasked the Minister of Labour how many States have made their ratification of the Washington Hours Convention conditional on ratification by Great Britain and other Powers; and how many States have given the failure of Great Britain and the said Powers to ratify as a ground for refusing in their turn to ratify?
§ Sir A. STEEL-MAITLANDThree States, Austria, Italy and Latvia, have ratified the Convention conditionally. In the first two cases Great Britain along with other States is mentioned by name. In Latvia ratification is conditional on ratification by three of the countries of chief industrial importance under Article 393 of the Treaty Versailles. Statements have been made from time to time at Sessions of the International Labour Conference that certain Governments were affected in their attitude to ratification by inaction in that regard on the 373 part of other States, but without examining detail the records it would not be possible to specify the Governments in question.