§ 39. Mr. BETHELasked the Postmaster-General if he will state the number of 1s. postal orders issued in Manchester in December, 1926; and if he can state the approximate number that were used in connection with cross-word puzzle competitions?
§ Sir W. MITCHELL-THOMSONI regret that the information is not available as regards the whole of Manchester without 'entailing considerable labour; but the number of 1s. postal orders issued there at the head and branch Post Offices only, during December, was 13,940. I am afraid I have no means of ascertaining how many of these 1s. postal orders were used in connection with cross-word puzzle competitions.
§ 40. Mr. BETHELasked the Postmaster-General the cost of the special provision made for dealing with letters in connection with cross-word puzzle competitions in Glasgow, London and Manchester, and 205 the approximate number of letters delivered in connection with these competitions in the six months ending 31st December, 1926?
§ Sir W. MITCHELL-THOMSONNo record is kept of the numbers of the letters to which my hon. Friend refers or of the cost of dealing with them. It may, however, interest him to know that the estimated number of letters sent in connection with competitions of all kinds to addresses in the East Central and West Central Districts of London during the month of January was approximately 13,000,000. There is no reason to suppose that the postage does not cover costs.