HC Deb 23 June 1927 vol 207 cc2042-3
50. Lieut.-Colonel HOWARD-BURY

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that skimmed condensed milk that is unfit for infants, to an equivalent of nearly 26 million gallons of liquid milk, has been imported into this country this year; and, in view of the danger of infants brought up on this deleterious food not achieving normal development, will he prohibit the future import of this substance?


I understand that the facts are as stated in the first part of the question. As regards the second part, I have certain aspects of this matter under consideration, and at present can add nothing to the answers given to my hon. and gallant Friend on the 15th instant, and to the hon. and gallant Member for Tiverton (Lieut. Colonel Acland-Troyte) on the 28th of April.

Lieut.-Colonel HOWARD-BURY

Does not my right hon. Friend consider that there is a great danger of creating a C3 nation if infants are fed on this foreign skimmed deleterious substance?


If such a serious danger existed, it would appear to be necessary not only to prohibit the importation of skimmed milk but to prevent its production here.


Is it not unfit for human food?


No, Sir, I am advised that milk in this form is not unfit for human food though it is unsuitable for infants.


Does the right hon. Gentleman not think it would be much more important to see that the wages of the workers are such that they can afford to buy fresh milk?

Viscountess ASTOR

If the workers were as interested in milk as they are in beer, would not they be able to spend more money on milk?