HC Deb 21 June 1927 vol 207 cc1646-7
29. Mr. POTTS

asked the Secretary for Mines whether, seeing that the annual Goal proceeds appearing in the Annual Report is incorrect, through the coal-owners deducting from revenue sales commission and expenses, returning the balance as sale value, he will introduce legislation compelling the full proceeds value to be stated specifying the amount paid as commission and expenses under each respective head, and debiting the amount found essential to the the costs of production for essential information purposes?

Colonel LANE FOX

There is no question of inaccuracy. The figures referred to are obtained from the ascertainment-reports of the joint accountants acting for the mine owners and the workmen, and are arrived at by them in accordance with principles agreed upon by the owners and workmen's representatives. There are obvious advantages in following the same lines, in the publication of official statistics, as are followed by the two sides of the industry for their own purposes.


Is it not, a fact that from the actual amount received for coal a given sum is deducted, and the balance, which is the figure returned to the auditor, is the figure which the Minister puts in his annual report? I have asked before whether he can give the figure which is deducted. Somebody must know what it is, and the public have a right to know what it is.

Colonel LANE FOX

This is all part of an agreement between the parties by which these things are privy to the accountants. I get my figures from the accountants. They have no right to pass those other figures on, and I have no right to publish them.


The Minister is under a misapprehension. Is he aware that there is no such agreement?