HC Deb 20 June 1927 vol 207 cc1492-3
43. Mr. GROVES

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he can state the number of ex-service men in West Ham who are suffering from tuberculosis, and the number of such eases in receipt of treatment allowances?


Separate figures are not available for the Borough of West Ham, but the number of Ministry cases under treatment for tuberculosis, and in receipt of allowances, in the whole of the administrative area of West Ham, which includes districts adjoining the borough was, at the end of May, 53.

44. Mr. GROVES

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he will consider the issuing of instructions to local tuberculosis medical officers that when ex-service tuberculosis patients are recommended for a course of convalescent treatment at Douglas Homes they shall be kept on treatment allowances?

Lieut.-Colonel STANLEY

The Homes referred to are not an institution approved by the Ministry of Health for in-patient treatment. Men staying in these Homes are not, therefore eligible for the allowances attaching to this form of treatment.


Is the right hon. and gallant Member aware that such ex-service men are only sent to the Douglas Homes by the local T.B. officer when they are T.B. cases, and, therefore, is he not of opinion that when a man is sent there he is incapable of work, and if he is incapable of work why should he not have the treatment allowance?

Lieut.-Colonel STANLEY

Because this institution is not recognised by the Ministry for that form of treatment.