HC Deb 16 June 1927 vol 207 cc1181-2
20. Mr. GROVES

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that the children of the late Private T. G. Cook, No. 293,391, Royal Air Force, are receiving pensions totalling 23s. weekly and that they live with their grandmother at 110, Chapel Street, Stratford, who for some time has received assistance from the West Ham Board of Guardians; whether he is aware that the guardians have now ceased to grant relief to the relative on the ground that the children's pension is household income; and whether he will take steps to see that pensions granted for the sole benefit of War orphans are not treated as a contribution toward the maintenance of any other person?


I understand that in this case the means of the household are such that relief would not be granted if the children resided elsewhere and their pension was paid to some other foster parent. In these circumstances, the last part of the question does not arise, but I may say that I have no power to take such steps as are suggested.


Is the Minister aware that the grandmother lives alone, and is an old-age pensioner, and that there is no other income except the War pension of these two children? Will he accept proof on the matter from me after Questions?


On a point of Order. May I ask whether this question about this grandmother could not have been dealt with by correspondence with the Ministry, instead of wasting the time of the House of Commons?


It remains with Members as to whether they put questions on the Paper or not.


Is there no way, Mr. Speaker, in which you can suppress hon. Members opposite who, when we put a question that it is awkward for the Government to answer, get up and interrogate you, trying to browbeat you?


I think hon. Members would do well to look after their own peccadilloes and not those of other hon. Members.


I will now answer the supplementary question. My information is that the grandmother does not live alone, but that there are seven other persons living with her in the house, and if the hon. Member has other information and will submit it to me I shall be glad to consider it.


May I ask the Minister whether he is aware that it is illegal for War orphans' allowances to be used for any other purpose than the maintenance of those War orphans?


I have already stated in my answer that that question does not arise, because the circumstances in this case are such that relief would not be given even if those children were living somewhere else and their pension were paid to another foster parent.


The Minister is misinformed.