HC Deb 14 June 1927 vol 207 cc826-7
17. Sir R. THOMAS

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that on long distance motor coach routes the time allotted for the journey is in many cases so inadequate as to necessitate travelling at speeds far in excess of the legal limit for prolonged periods, with consequent risk of danger to other road users; and whether he will take action in the matter?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am aware that it is alleged that the motor coach owners on occasion allot times for journeys which involve infringement of the legal speed limit by the drivers of the vehicles concerned, but no specific instance of the kind has been brought to my notice. In any case, action would rest with the police of the district concerned.


Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman make further inquiries into this matter?

Colonel ASHLEY

It is a matter for the police. If the police find that a man is exceeding the speed limit, they can bring him before a magistrate and then, I imagine, it will be possible for him to plead mitigation of punishment if he is scheduled at a certain rate.


Has it become the settled rule that the Government shall do nothing until they are approached by somebody else?

Colonel ASHLEY

Not at all; it is a matter for the police to take up where there has been a breach of the law. It has nothing to do with the Government.


If motor coaches of this type operate in London, do they have their time tables and schedules controlled by the Traffic Advisory Committee or not?

Colonel ASHLEY

No, Sir.