HC Deb 28 July 1927 vol 209 cc1438-9
29. Colonel DAY

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the number of typewriters of foreign manufacture that have been purchased by the Stationery Office since November, 1918, giving the names of the makers of these typewriters and the country of origin, together with the gross amount paid for the same?


As the answer is a long one and contains a table of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Colonel DAY

Can the hon. and gallant Gentleman give me the number of typewriters of foreign manufacture which have been purchased?


Yes, 124 in 1925–26 and 78 in 1926–27.

Colonel DAY

I asked for the numbers since November, 1918. Is that the whole of the foreign typewriters purchased?


No, I am afraid it is not possible to give details since 1918.

Following is the answer:

It is not possible to give these details since November, 1918, but for the last two years the total number of typewriters of foreign manufacture acquired, and the gross cost, have been as follows:

In 1925–26, 124 machines were acquired (nine of which were supplied on repayment terms to some authority other than an ordinary Government Department) for £1,959 and 850 old machines.

Quantity. Remarks.
Corona Portable 1 Agency Service.
Elliott Fisher E.T.X.12 2
Hammond Mathematical 1
Oliver Brief 55
Brief elite 1
Remington Foolscap 8 Agency Service (1).
Brief 3
Brief Model II. 1 Agency Service.
Portable 8
Noiseless 3
Accounting 6
Royal Foolscap No. 10 hard platen. 2 Agency Service.
Policy, elite 2
Underwood Foolscap 22
Foolscap pica 2 Agency Service.
18 ins. elite 4
20 ins. elite 1
Portable 2 Agency Service.
Elliott Fisher T.2 8
Remington Noiseless 1
Accounting 1 Agency Service.
Royal Foolscap 35 Agency Service (6).
Brief 4 Agency Service (3).
Underwood Foolscap 3 Agency Service.
Brief 25
Portable 1 Agency Service.

Note.—Where the words "Agency Service" are inserted, the machines were supplied by the Stationery Office on repayment terms to some authority other than an ordinary Government Department. In such cases it is the practice of the Stationery Office to comply with the reasonable preference of the repaying authority as to the type of machine to be obtained.